
Please leave your feedback on purchases.  Suggestions for the site, and anything else you might want to share.

1 entry.
Mary Mary from Folsom wrote on May 18, 2022 at 11:41 am
Thank you in advance for your help. I just purchased two groups of New Decade marbles from the same seller. One group is labeled Jabo and the other DAS. The marbles look like they are from the same maker. Could that be so?

3 thought on “Feedback”

  1. William

    Fantastic site! Love the history of JABO, D.A.S, etc! I’m just starting to collect these. What absolutely beautiful marbles!

    I’m looking for a few 2008 JABO Joker 2nd run Blood Vipers to buy. Any suggestions as to where to search?

  2. Bonita J. Murray

    I’m very pleased with my 3 Mamie Veterans Day marbles, they arrived in great shape- & was very surprised to get the bonus marble-again lovely & full of aventurine, but no name with it. If possible could you name it for me? I just finished watching one of the videos you made-nice to have a face to the name. Thanks, Bonnie

    1. Matthew Davis Post author

      Thank you for your comment. At to naming the bonus marble, I would need to see it to have half a chance. I often add bonus marbles from those which have been collected after being separated from their proper groups. My cat loves to steal them and we find them later and I place them in a box where I do packing. Hope you are staying safe and well. Matthew


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