
2 thought on “eBay”

  1. Jerri Lynn

    Your website is AWESOME! I recently acquired access to an amazing collection of vintage and antique marbles. At first, while working with estate items, mostly jewelry, I kept hearing “marbles.” So I thought, let’s just check this out. I was completely blown away. My interest grew and now, well, in a 10-month period I went from novice to enthusiast to no way no how are we liquidating the full collection. Preparing now for the Fullerton show next month.. Fellow west coaster here in CA, it will not be easy but I am in love, obsessed with marbles and am so excited about this new era, and my golden years, me and my marbles, an RV and D1 status (retired pilot) for flying wherever I want or need. God is good, really really good. Check out my progression by looking at my Facebook page Joy and Elle’s Antique Marbles. Let me know, I will send you a link. I know we have some very collectible marbles, just how many and which ones to put up for sale, that’s where we are right now.

    1. Matthew Davis Post author

      Sorry for the delay. Been under the weather. You should check out the other marble groups on facebook, and those on JABO and D.A.S. marbles. There are tons of folks like you and we buy sell and trade all the time. I used to go the the Fullerton show, but we moved so I could attend seminary here in the Sacramento area. Matthew Davis is my name on facebook or you can just join one of our groups. https://www.facebook.com/groups/158181877584599/ (For sharing and ID of JABO, Sammy and D.A.S. Marbles, and https://www.facebook.com/groups/409074969283086/ for our buy sell and trade groups.


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